This is a very rough sketch of one of my ideas.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Chaos Draft (Remi the Student)
Hello and this is remi. I am going to start writing me charos draft, wow….my spelling sucks and I cannot change anything. This kind of sucsk. So I think I should start wrtiting about culture because thnats’ one of the first things that came into my mind. Through my practicum I learned or maybe invaded several different cultures. I cannot organize how many but main cultures were American, japenese, virtual, bilingiual, uhhhhhh okay brain freeze okay there was other cultures that cannot be explained. Oh wait the social networking culture such as mysopace and yountube ahaaaaaaa, stio maki stop making btypos. Man, I think I am typing way faster thanm I can think. Okay so those are the cultures I experienced mainly. It’s interesting because the cuylture tells a lot about humans. We are I mean we base our ideas through culture and how they have taught usl. For expample we eat meat but other places prefer not to. Oand so forth. Jutslike how some places think eating dolphins or whales are bad, wouldn’t that be the same for eating animals like cows and chicken? Soi yeah that , not that…the nculture difference is really interesting thing. While growing up I was raised in several different cultures and I think through that experience I now don’ experience that much culture shock. I belong to different cultures and I think this is whjy I did my practicum piece on invading different cultures uitlizxing online material as well as physica;l. it is was a very interesting experience I think because I could I mean I had the ability to communicate with somany poeople through posting asds abaahahahaha no ADS on pen pals site where I got so many pen pal requests. I mean why do people write to people they have never met. It was something strange because I do it too. When evber I need to contact someone for something I need for school such as reserving space for the exhibit I plan to have for this epiece I e-mailed the person who was nin changr.,,CXHarge ahhhhh chan CHARGE okay got it. Yeah so I don dint’; didn’t meat the ahhhh I mean t meetr meet, the person until I e-mailed him. So we are becoming more digital now adays. So I was receiving so many ot wait is is it so much e0mail? Anyways, yeah my English siucks because I think really bad. Aahhhhh I hate not editing ervything because I should sound like not I should I sound like a random and weird sperson. Hmmmm….but maybe that’s what I am . tat may talk about who we are . we humans are weird and we want to make ourselves look perfect by crafting out our words to make ourself look better. Ourselves.
This chaos draft is super chaotic!!! Wow I actually spelled most of that right. Okay so back to culture ….mayve I will write about virtual culture. It’s sreally strange because oeiple will PEOPLE will give me their addresses when I asked for it and they would even give me their phone numbers even though I didn’t ask for it. What does that tell me?
Is it really sadfe to provide random information over the net. What makes them trust someone online? I don’t really know that. I mean just as I was referred to contacting someone for reserving space, how would I know that the e-mail was actually bein g sent to that person? Is it because we need to trusst someone or mabe we think the poerson will not lie to us? I found it interesting that in this virtual culture so many cultures are available to use. US> and we ncan travel without moving. This is something I find most interesting. People who never travedled have the ability to view what is goping on around the world. I myself feel as though I cannot live without the internet anymore because I am so immersed int it. So yes you can converse with people on line and feel like you have a connection. I don’t know why that happens. I don’t really know why it happesmn . is it something to be scared of or somethingto be happy about. If this were to be the ages when there was no computers people will only know social networks through their v physical space, but now social networks go way beyond. Just think of myspacfe or youtube or any other spocial networks that exist in virtiua;l environment.s you have the ability to add and delete people from your wnetwerk and don’t feel anything about it. Because you don’t know them most of the time. You may lknow some in person. Bnut most of them, you may not. So it becomes this huge web where people become connectyed. Even though you never met that person through that person there’s alos also a huge network, so it vbecomes this exctreme complicated thing. Yeah so we’re stuck in ot and it’s basically like thos e sand things that suck ants. Okay that made s no sendse ahhh I am so obsessive compulsive that I want to deleted and edit everything but I can’t. oh we’ll I guess this it ….this is the point of creating the chaos draft.l I am sure that this chaos draft also creates confusin and the meaning gets lost because of so muych tyupos . maybe I have large fingers or something. I can’t type bery well. …VERY we;l;l. ahhhh nooo. Okay focus remi! Focus on what to write. Or…type. So yeah this virtual culture is something I found most interesting in this practicum pice because everyone is using it now. And my character I created for this made over 100 pen pals. Some even snail mailed her. So I really found it interesting that someone that doesn’t even know the character will take their time to write to her. I mean it is just so biaxarre ro bizarre to me. Even though I do the same thing when I am in this virtual space. Basically it also taught me that in this environment you can lie or fabricate anything you want and most likelyt people will bvelieve what you are saying. Because there are sooo many people in this space. There is bound to be people who do not doubt anything. This can be a little dangerous because that’s how they become trapped in something they never expected to be in. but I think for my practicum I used it as something to their advantage as well. Because they cbecome part pof this piece. My piece is the work of the participants who didn’t know about the piece and througvh myh organizatiuon skjills . it’s funny how they become something that they are not aware of. I take that back I don’t kow if it’s funny, but I think it’s something to think about. Because they didn’t know they were creating something bwith me . so yes this is the culture part of my piece., I guess there are more things to say about it, but right now I cannot think of anything so iu guess I will move onto…. Art since that’s the next topic for the practicukm.
So when I think of art it’s really difficult to explain. When I was telling people about my piece and to what I was doing utilizing physical and virtual space, I couldn’t explain it to them because it was too difficult. There are so much layers and I was just confusing myself. I did my best to simplify my thoughts but it is something I had difficulty doing. And when I wwas able to expolain it, for example to my parents they were asking me if that is even considered art. They were confused because in their mind art is something to look at and be visually pleased. But in my mind art goes way beyond that. Mahjority of the people are confused with the definition of art and I sometimes become lost in the definition as well because I sometimes don’t understand it even though I am an artisty.
ARTIST!! Ughjhhjh okay focus remi focus. What is art to me? Is the question that kepot coming into my mind while I was creating this piece. I think it’s a very subjective thing.
People will always fight about their thoughts on how they feel about a certain thing but I don’t believe there is an answer to everytghing. I mean there are if it’s math but…yeah I don’t really know what I am typing about right now. Iam basically rambling along while I creare this chaos draft. Wow iu cannot believe I am on my fourth page and it’s only been like 20 some minutes. Uhhhhh I guess that’s good because the s assignm,ent was to typoe up 12. Hopefully I will get some ideas on what to write oin my final theiuss paper from thisl. Okay right now I am just wasting space on the paper so I need to focus back on to art…. So yes, to my parents and people I know who are non artists , art is something they find visually pleasing to the eye and something they “get” meaning they understand. But in my mind art is something to teach what goes in the world and in our society. Whoever says artists have an easy job or they are too lazy to do anything so they just draw or whatever does not really undestand what artists are. Artists are educators in my own mind, but that’s just my pwn …OWN personal opinion on what we are. Artists keep creating even if opeople put us down because we like what we are doing., it can be something that would make people angry, sad, happy, or whatever. We have the ability to invoike someone’s feelings with what we make. Okay so think avbout dada artiusts. People think their art style makes no sense because it’s pretty random, but they are creating feelings of confusement within the people who come in contact to their piece. A lot of people don’t like a particular artists’ work because they simply think it’s distasteful or mainly because they don’t understand. I remember there was a time where we watched a video footage of Jackson pollucks paintings whgere he was decribing what his work was about and one of my classmates didn’t understand it. She thought it was distasteful art. Because she thought anyone could make a polluck piece and had some sort of discomfort in knowing that he was famous and she was not. I personally had no envy or jealous towards what polluck was doing because he explained himself pretty well on the video about the lines and colores of his pieces. To me I understood what he was doing. He was expressing himself through the colors and ;lines, but to the modern audience they just loook at the piece as is. Not beyond what it is. This is probably why my piece would be confused by other people because there are so many layers bnehind to what they perceive, but I don’t necessarily need to people to understand because it’s what we are.
We are controlled by our own thoughts and that creaetes who we are. So what I came to understand is that civilized humans want answers to everything, but there is bno answer to everything. Only answers you will find is in your mind which you create with your brain. It will be different from other people and that’s okay I suppoise….biut maybe that’s what creates confluict because we humans have the desire to “educate” others with our own ideas, which sort of becomes a forced. We become upset if someone does not have the same opinion as what we may have. This may create war and arguments.
I was thinking about something that a professor once told me in one of my classes in junior college. He told us that music, politics and religiuon are the main three things that creates war. I think there are more. Yes, of course those do create tension between people, but there are far more things than that. People are different. Each person thinks thbeir way of thinking is right when there is no such thing as right or wrong in my opinion. There are things we may find morally right or wrong in our own minds, but sometimes I wonder if they are really what we think or if it’s something we decided through knowledge. Knowledge and also how our society shapes ourviews. Hmmmm….i am just rambling on to random topics, but there’s also categories on humans. Like we are grouped by how individuals perceive us through the way we act, dress, and so forth. If I were to…okay an example about my piece where my character looks like someone who you will never really see in physical space unless they are a cosplayer. So when I had my character enter the virtual space people just thought she was oine. They did not think deeply about if this character was real or bnot…well I am thinking they didn’t because they aslked the character if she was a cosplayer…so they pretty much generalized what she is by the way she looked. Also they way people speak or how hey present themselves makes them fit into a category of people. I personally don’t want to be labeled into anything because I am remi and I am not like anyone else in my own mind, but there will always be people who will label me. For example, my friend of mine used to call me a hipster because in her eyes that’s how I am. She would say that if I smoked cigarettes I would be the perfect hipster. I didn’t really uderstand that, but in her mind that’s what a “perfect hipster” was. Also…since I don’t eat meat anymore my father keeps calling me a wannabe vegan. It makes no sense to me that I become categorized into a group of people, so I don’t call myself vegetarian. I don’t want to be associated with a group.
Okay….so just because I don’t want to be categorized, I guess iu cannot stay away from it. It’s sort of difficult. People will always generalize. I mean everyone is a hypocrite and when they say they hate haters, they are hating haters. I remember an IM conversation I had with one of my friends that she was being harassed by a “white” girl, so her response to that was “she’s a racist white bitch” but after she realized what she said she corrected herself and said “racist bitch”. This is interesting because I don’t think we can avoid stereotyping a person. Even people say they can, I don’t think thy will able to because no one is perfect. Evben if people think they don’t, they are if they think aboiut it even though they don’t verbalize it. Just like how we humans are categorized by where we come from., we all live on earth, but we are categorized by where we come from such as the country we were born. Just because we are from a certain country that apparently makes us different because we are raised differently. This is true, but if I think more about it not all the people from a certain country thinks exactly the same. Each and every individual is different. So I personally think we should consider ourselves as one species with different characteristics rather than separating each other through categories we create for ourselves. Maybe when we do that we will eliminate a lot of hatred and understand others more for their own beliefs and such. We don’t need to worry about trying to change someone because basically it’s up to that person.
Bah…I just rambled on for 8 pages. I guess I will take a break and write more later.
Okay so now I am back after two days from taking a break from typing this chaos draft. So the next topic I think I should write about it technology, which is the last thing that is from the practicum. Technology has become a big part opf our lives and as I sadi said earlier in this draft that we are immersed into it. We are controlled by technology. Technology can be used as an advantage, but also be used as a disadvantage. I believe technology is evolving faster than the human beinmg. I cannot imagine my li9fe without technology because I depend on it so much in my life. So let ,me think of things that are in out lives that involves techmnology. For example, the alarm clock. I don’t know about anyone, but for me, I depend on several alarm clocks in order to wake up at a certain time, I e deped sadkfaslkdf depend on it because I stay up very late doing random things at night because we have light. Light is also a technology because without it we cannot see and we will not have nothging better to do. We humans are changing who we are through technology. One day in the near future we will become a species that becomes one with technology. We will lose a lot of things about the human characteristics. Such as moving our body will become less. If you see Americans their standard life is to have a car and drive everywhere. They don’t walk as much as other countries who have other mode of transportation. Americans are one of the people who uses technology to make themselves have an “easier” life. But making your life ewa easier , does that make you happy? Does that make you lazy? People will less likely to think as mmcuh and also by using technology, suich as computers that connects to the world wide web. The www has a lot of information, some are flawed and some are almost the truth. (I say almost because I am always uncertain about information on the net). Anyways, I think there will be a day, when we do not need professors or educators anymore because our computers will teach our children. Everything becomes digital and children will forget how to write or how to spe;ll because there will be spell check and other things that will help a child develop with less thinking. But comparing the past, present and the future. We know more things than the past because we have more knowledge and the humans in the future will also have more knowledge than us. But once we know more things the answers become ambiguous. Information always contradicts each other. I remember in a class I took when I was in junior college. They were both art history classes and the professor was talking about van Gogh’s ear and how he lost it. Their stories did not match. One of them said that he gave it to a prostitute to declare his love and the other said he gave his ear to the prostitute so she can deliver it to Gauguin because he was upset at him. I did not know which professor was telling the truth. Information is always manipoulated and reproduced and plagiarized in order to tell the “truth”. So we are learning from something that is fabricated. There is no real answer to anything the more I think of things. So in the future, everything will become less clear and we will not know the truth even though we think we do. Just think of all the different ideas poeople come up with. Think of all the different beliefs people have on certain things, who decides what is real and what is not. Who decides that a certain idea is important. I am becoming more and more confused as I become older and learn and experience different things. What are we? Why are we here? And why do we have sso many contradictions. There are way too many ideas on things and everything seems so complicated. So I have been rambling alonmg for a while now,. But I think that we all should just accept the ideas rather than thinking way too deep because you will just lose sleep and become an unhappy person, which I experienced through this practicum piece. I mean….Okay so I don’t really understand the oidea of plagiarism as schools asks us not to plaigiarize things, but how would they know that, I mean there are soooo many ideas and if someone says that the other opersoin has took their own idea and expressed it to the public, would we trust the person. I mean who decides who to trust. How would you know that which person is telling the truth and the other person is making it up. Why not realize that within this planet earth that there are so many people who think alike that wouldn’t there be parallels to what people express? If two people were expressing the same thing would that still mean they are plagiarizing? I mean if their words become so similar which one do we trust? I don’t think we can avoid plagiarizing because we most of the time obtain knowledge from other sources and manipulate it to our own words and reproduce it. So I think we are all p;lagiarising other people’s ideas. Even though we may think we’re not, we are. And the more advanced technology becomes and the more information that is available through physical or virtual space, we cannot avoid becoming pirates. Pirates as in stealing information. And then getting away with it. I don’t think in the future, copyright will exist because there will be reproductions of things. Even if we want to avoid it, we cannot. People take things to their advantage. They are not stupid beings. They know what they want and they will do anything to make themselves feel better about a certain thing. Uhhhh I am not sure if I am making sense at this time of day. It’s 11:49 am and I might be very repetitive with my ideas on things. But yes, I think technology is really nice but at the same time we lose what is “real”. For example, I once was presented an image of chuck close’s painting and also a chuck close effecrt on the photoshop. In photoshop with just a few clicks you can create your own chuck close picture. So it takes less time to create something with less effort. Which becomes art? Which is valued more. Even though they look completely the same. Who decides what is not art and who decides what is art? They are both created by someone, but the time and effort is different. Anyone can create a chuck close painting with photoshop, so photoshop gives a chance for non artists to explore their artistic talents. Which is a good thing, but I am really confused. In the future, how will we able to ndifferenntiate the difference. I heard a lot more photographers are going digital now rather than printing their own proints in their studios. They says that the time it takes to print is dramatically different. And with digital cameras they can manipulate the colors on a program such as photoshop to create something they want. So we are losing traditional photographers as well because it’s too time consuming to create one print through checking the values on the print. So technology creates easy access to materials and also our creativity. I am not sure which is better or worse nowadays because they have their own advantage and disadvantages. I have been a traditional artist my whole life, but when I entered college I decided to become a media major which focused more on the digital aspects of arts. So my life as an artist became one with the traditional and the new. This also reflects oin my practicum as I mix and blend the old and the new. The past , present and future. They all become one thing and differentiation is impossible. I would like to end my chaos draft here as I am really confused right now and I am probably becoming more repeptitive. I think ….
Okay well at least I got some ideas down for my thesis so I will end it here.
Blah….if this was my final theisis paper no one would understand it becauss e I am tyoiung way too fast and I am not organized.
I guess this assignment was a lot fun though because it let me express myself without thinking to craft what I say. No one really needs to understand this chaos draft because it is a draft….okay the end.
This chaos draft is super chaotic!!! Wow I actually spelled most of that right. Okay so back to culture ….mayve I will write about virtual culture. It’s sreally strange because oeiple will PEOPLE will give me their addresses when I asked for it and they would even give me their phone numbers even though I didn’t ask for it. What does that tell me?
Is it really sadfe to provide random information over the net. What makes them trust someone online? I don’t really know that. I mean just as I was referred to contacting someone for reserving space, how would I know that the e-mail was actually bein g sent to that person? Is it because we need to trusst someone or mabe we think the poerson will not lie to us? I found it interesting that in this virtual culture so many cultures are available to use. US> and we ncan travel without moving. This is something I find most interesting. People who never travedled have the ability to view what is goping on around the world. I myself feel as though I cannot live without the internet anymore because I am so immersed int it. So yes you can converse with people on line and feel like you have a connection. I don’t know why that happens. I don’t really know why it happesmn . is it something to be scared of or somethingto be happy about. If this were to be the ages when there was no computers people will only know social networks through their v physical space, but now social networks go way beyond. Just think of myspacfe or youtube or any other spocial networks that exist in virtiua;l environment.s you have the ability to add and delete people from your wnetwerk and don’t feel anything about it. Because you don’t know them most of the time. You may lknow some in person. Bnut most of them, you may not. So it becomes this huge web where people become connectyed. Even though you never met that person through that person there’s alos also a huge network, so it vbecomes this exctreme complicated thing. Yeah so we’re stuck in ot and it’s basically like thos e sand things that suck ants. Okay that made s no sendse ahhh I am so obsessive compulsive that I want to deleted and edit everything but I can’t. oh we’ll I guess this it ….this is the point of creating the chaos draft.l I am sure that this chaos draft also creates confusin and the meaning gets lost because of so muych tyupos . maybe I have large fingers or something. I can’t type bery well. …VERY we;l;l. ahhhh nooo. Okay focus remi! Focus on what to write. Or…type. So yeah this virtual culture is something I found most interesting in this practicum pice because everyone is using it now. And my character I created for this made over 100 pen pals. Some even snail mailed her. So I really found it interesting that someone that doesn’t even know the character will take their time to write to her. I mean it is just so biaxarre ro bizarre to me. Even though I do the same thing when I am in this virtual space. Basically it also taught me that in this environment you can lie or fabricate anything you want and most likelyt people will bvelieve what you are saying. Because there are sooo many people in this space. There is bound to be people who do not doubt anything. This can be a little dangerous because that’s how they become trapped in something they never expected to be in. but I think for my practicum I used it as something to their advantage as well. Because they cbecome part pof this piece. My piece is the work of the participants who didn’t know about the piece and througvh myh organizatiuon skjills . it’s funny how they become something that they are not aware of. I take that back I don’t kow if it’s funny, but I think it’s something to think about. Because they didn’t know they were creating something bwith me . so yes this is the culture part of my piece., I guess there are more things to say about it, but right now I cannot think of anything so iu guess I will move onto…. Art since that’s the next topic for the practicukm.
So when I think of art it’s really difficult to explain. When I was telling people about my piece and to what I was doing utilizing physical and virtual space, I couldn’t explain it to them because it was too difficult. There are so much layers and I was just confusing myself. I did my best to simplify my thoughts but it is something I had difficulty doing. And when I wwas able to expolain it, for example to my parents they were asking me if that is even considered art. They were confused because in their mind art is something to look at and be visually pleased. But in my mind art goes way beyond that. Mahjority of the people are confused with the definition of art and I sometimes become lost in the definition as well because I sometimes don’t understand it even though I am an artisty.
ARTIST!! Ughjhhjh okay focus remi focus. What is art to me? Is the question that kepot coming into my mind while I was creating this piece. I think it’s a very subjective thing.
People will always fight about their thoughts on how they feel about a certain thing but I don’t believe there is an answer to everytghing. I mean there are if it’s math but…yeah I don’t really know what I am typing about right now. Iam basically rambling along while I creare this chaos draft. Wow iu cannot believe I am on my fourth page and it’s only been like 20 some minutes. Uhhhhh I guess that’s good because the s assignm,ent was to typoe up 12. Hopefully I will get some ideas on what to write oin my final theiuss paper from thisl. Okay right now I am just wasting space on the paper so I need to focus back on to art…. So yes, to my parents and people I know who are non artists , art is something they find visually pleasing to the eye and something they “get” meaning they understand. But in my mind art is something to teach what goes in the world and in our society. Whoever says artists have an easy job or they are too lazy to do anything so they just draw or whatever does not really undestand what artists are. Artists are educators in my own mind, but that’s just my pwn …OWN personal opinion on what we are. Artists keep creating even if opeople put us down because we like what we are doing., it can be something that would make people angry, sad, happy, or whatever. We have the ability to invoike someone’s feelings with what we make. Okay so think avbout dada artiusts. People think their art style makes no sense because it’s pretty random, but they are creating feelings of confusement within the people who come in contact to their piece. A lot of people don’t like a particular artists’ work because they simply think it’s distasteful or mainly because they don’t understand. I remember there was a time where we watched a video footage of Jackson pollucks paintings whgere he was decribing what his work was about and one of my classmates didn’t understand it. She thought it was distasteful art. Because she thought anyone could make a polluck piece and had some sort of discomfort in knowing that he was famous and she was not. I personally had no envy or jealous towards what polluck was doing because he explained himself pretty well on the video about the lines and colores of his pieces. To me I understood what he was doing. He was expressing himself through the colors and ;lines, but to the modern audience they just loook at the piece as is. Not beyond what it is. This is probably why my piece would be confused by other people because there are so many layers bnehind to what they perceive, but I don’t necessarily need to people to understand because it’s what we are.
We are controlled by our own thoughts and that creaetes who we are. So what I came to understand is that civilized humans want answers to everything, but there is bno answer to everything. Only answers you will find is in your mind which you create with your brain. It will be different from other people and that’s okay I suppoise….biut maybe that’s what creates confluict because we humans have the desire to “educate” others with our own ideas, which sort of becomes a forced. We become upset if someone does not have the same opinion as what we may have. This may create war and arguments.
I was thinking about something that a professor once told me in one of my classes in junior college. He told us that music, politics and religiuon are the main three things that creates war. I think there are more. Yes, of course those do create tension between people, but there are far more things than that. People are different. Each person thinks thbeir way of thinking is right when there is no such thing as right or wrong in my opinion. There are things we may find morally right or wrong in our own minds, but sometimes I wonder if they are really what we think or if it’s something we decided through knowledge. Knowledge and also how our society shapes ourviews. Hmmmm….i am just rambling on to random topics, but there’s also categories on humans. Like we are grouped by how individuals perceive us through the way we act, dress, and so forth. If I were to…okay an example about my piece where my character looks like someone who you will never really see in physical space unless they are a cosplayer. So when I had my character enter the virtual space people just thought she was oine. They did not think deeply about if this character was real or bnot…well I am thinking they didn’t because they aslked the character if she was a cosplayer…so they pretty much generalized what she is by the way she looked. Also they way people speak or how hey present themselves makes them fit into a category of people. I personally don’t want to be labeled into anything because I am remi and I am not like anyone else in my own mind, but there will always be people who will label me. For example, my friend of mine used to call me a hipster because in her eyes that’s how I am. She would say that if I smoked cigarettes I would be the perfect hipster. I didn’t really uderstand that, but in her mind that’s what a “perfect hipster” was. Also…since I don’t eat meat anymore my father keeps calling me a wannabe vegan. It makes no sense to me that I become categorized into a group of people, so I don’t call myself vegetarian. I don’t want to be associated with a group.
Okay….so just because I don’t want to be categorized, I guess iu cannot stay away from it. It’s sort of difficult. People will always generalize. I mean everyone is a hypocrite and when they say they hate haters, they are hating haters. I remember an IM conversation I had with one of my friends that she was being harassed by a “white” girl, so her response to that was “she’s a racist white bitch” but after she realized what she said she corrected herself and said “racist bitch”. This is interesting because I don’t think we can avoid stereotyping a person. Even people say they can, I don’t think thy will able to because no one is perfect. Evben if people think they don’t, they are if they think aboiut it even though they don’t verbalize it. Just like how we humans are categorized by where we come from., we all live on earth, but we are categorized by where we come from such as the country we were born. Just because we are from a certain country that apparently makes us different because we are raised differently. This is true, but if I think more about it not all the people from a certain country thinks exactly the same. Each and every individual is different. So I personally think we should consider ourselves as one species with different characteristics rather than separating each other through categories we create for ourselves. Maybe when we do that we will eliminate a lot of hatred and understand others more for their own beliefs and such. We don’t need to worry about trying to change someone because basically it’s up to that person.
Bah…I just rambled on for 8 pages. I guess I will take a break and write more later.
Okay so now I am back after two days from taking a break from typing this chaos draft. So the next topic I think I should write about it technology, which is the last thing that is from the practicum. Technology has become a big part opf our lives and as I sadi said earlier in this draft that we are immersed into it. We are controlled by technology. Technology can be used as an advantage, but also be used as a disadvantage. I believe technology is evolving faster than the human beinmg. I cannot imagine my li9fe without technology because I depend on it so much in my life. So let ,me think of things that are in out lives that involves techmnology. For example, the alarm clock. I don’t know about anyone, but for me, I depend on several alarm clocks in order to wake up at a certain time, I e deped sadkfaslkdf depend on it because I stay up very late doing random things at night because we have light. Light is also a technology because without it we cannot see and we will not have nothging better to do. We humans are changing who we are through technology. One day in the near future we will become a species that becomes one with technology. We will lose a lot of things about the human characteristics. Such as moving our body will become less. If you see Americans their standard life is to have a car and drive everywhere. They don’t walk as much as other countries who have other mode of transportation. Americans are one of the people who uses technology to make themselves have an “easier” life. But making your life ewa easier , does that make you happy? Does that make you lazy? People will less likely to think as mmcuh and also by using technology, suich as computers that connects to the world wide web. The www has a lot of information, some are flawed and some are almost the truth. (I say almost because I am always uncertain about information on the net). Anyways, I think there will be a day, when we do not need professors or educators anymore because our computers will teach our children. Everything becomes digital and children will forget how to write or how to spe;ll because there will be spell check and other things that will help a child develop with less thinking. But comparing the past, present and the future. We know more things than the past because we have more knowledge and the humans in the future will also have more knowledge than us. But once we know more things the answers become ambiguous. Information always contradicts each other. I remember in a class I took when I was in junior college. They were both art history classes and the professor was talking about van Gogh’s ear and how he lost it. Their stories did not match. One of them said that he gave it to a prostitute to declare his love and the other said he gave his ear to the prostitute so she can deliver it to Gauguin because he was upset at him. I did not know which professor was telling the truth. Information is always manipoulated and reproduced and plagiarized in order to tell the “truth”. So we are learning from something that is fabricated. There is no real answer to anything the more I think of things. So in the future, everything will become less clear and we will not know the truth even though we think we do. Just think of all the different ideas poeople come up with. Think of all the different beliefs people have on certain things, who decides what is real and what is not. Who decides that a certain idea is important. I am becoming more and more confused as I become older and learn and experience different things. What are we? Why are we here? And why do we have sso many contradictions. There are way too many ideas on things and everything seems so complicated. So I have been rambling alonmg for a while now,. But I think that we all should just accept the ideas rather than thinking way too deep because you will just lose sleep and become an unhappy person, which I experienced through this practicum piece. I mean….Okay so I don’t really understand the oidea of plagiarism as schools asks us not to plaigiarize things, but how would they know that, I mean there are soooo many ideas and if someone says that the other opersoin has took their own idea and expressed it to the public, would we trust the person. I mean who decides who to trust. How would you know that which person is telling the truth and the other person is making it up. Why not realize that within this planet earth that there are so many people who think alike that wouldn’t there be parallels to what people express? If two people were expressing the same thing would that still mean they are plagiarizing? I mean if their words become so similar which one do we trust? I don’t think we can avoid plagiarizing because we most of the time obtain knowledge from other sources and manipulate it to our own words and reproduce it. So I think we are all p;lagiarising other people’s ideas. Even though we may think we’re not, we are. And the more advanced technology becomes and the more information that is available through physical or virtual space, we cannot avoid becoming pirates. Pirates as in stealing information. And then getting away with it. I don’t think in the future, copyright will exist because there will be reproductions of things. Even if we want to avoid it, we cannot. People take things to their advantage. They are not stupid beings. They know what they want and they will do anything to make themselves feel better about a certain thing. Uhhhh I am not sure if I am making sense at this time of day. It’s 11:49 am and I might be very repetitive with my ideas on things. But yes, I think technology is really nice but at the same time we lose what is “real”. For example, I once was presented an image of chuck close’s painting and also a chuck close effecrt on the photoshop. In photoshop with just a few clicks you can create your own chuck close picture. So it takes less time to create something with less effort. Which becomes art? Which is valued more. Even though they look completely the same. Who decides what is not art and who decides what is art? They are both created by someone, but the time and effort is different. Anyone can create a chuck close painting with photoshop, so photoshop gives a chance for non artists to explore their artistic talents. Which is a good thing, but I am really confused. In the future, how will we able to ndifferenntiate the difference. I heard a lot more photographers are going digital now rather than printing their own proints in their studios. They says that the time it takes to print is dramatically different. And with digital cameras they can manipulate the colors on a program such as photoshop to create something they want. So we are losing traditional photographers as well because it’s too time consuming to create one print through checking the values on the print. So technology creates easy access to materials and also our creativity. I am not sure which is better or worse nowadays because they have their own advantage and disadvantages. I have been a traditional artist my whole life, but when I entered college I decided to become a media major which focused more on the digital aspects of arts. So my life as an artist became one with the traditional and the new. This also reflects oin my practicum as I mix and blend the old and the new. The past , present and future. They all become one thing and differentiation is impossible. I would like to end my chaos draft here as I am really confused right now and I am probably becoming more repeptitive. I think ….
Okay well at least I got some ideas down for my thesis so I will end it here.
Blah….if this was my final theisis paper no one would understand it becauss e I am tyoiung way too fast and I am not organized.
I guess this assignment was a lot fun though because it let me express myself without thinking to craft what I say. No one really needs to understand this chaos draft because it is a draft….okay the end.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Journal of Memories Update
There is also a book that exists within physical reality, but it is not finished yet.
Here are some visuals of the book and some of the other things that have been created just for Journal of Memories.
The Artist (A.K.A. Remifeb) of Journal of Memories created a design for a t-shirt.
It's still a draft, but she wore the one she made...sorry no pictures of the actual t-shirt. Her idea was that if individuals were to stand in front of the mirror, they would be looking at their fabricated self. The reason to this is because what we perceive in the mirror is not the same reflection to how others see us as everything is flipped.
Here is the design.
This is something she created late last night on the idea of culture, technology and art.
More updates will be coming soon.
Here are some visuals of the book and some of the other things that have been created just for Journal of Memories.
The Artist (A.K.A. Remifeb) of Journal of Memories created a design for a t-shirt.
It's still a draft, but she wore the one she made...sorry no pictures of the actual t-shirt. Her idea was that if individuals were to stand in front of the mirror, they would be looking at their fabricated self. The reason to this is because what we perceive in the mirror is not the same reflection to how others see us as everything is flipped.
Here is the design.
This is something she created late last night on the idea of culture, technology and art.
More updates will be coming soon.
E-mail entry
Two characters interact with one another through utilizing the e-mail functions within Youtube. This e-mail is a reaction to the latest video posted by the author of Journal of Memories.
Shinobu (Kitsune.Suzuki or Suzukikitsune)
Frostfrog Apr 19, 2007, 05:34 AM
"...i can tell you why im sending many mails, which may help develop your story. there are many reasons, but first, you write me back something i want to respond to. your mails are more fun than the other peoples videos. also, it is usually difficult to get the video poster's reply because i am one of hundreds of viewers. luckyly or not, you are not that popular lol.
second, i like what the author is doing. i think i was trying to get her words, words of real remi, so i can.... i dont know..., maybe become a friend or something. i wanted to somehow pull her out to the real world. but you said this mail communication was a part of the folklore and the author stayed out of all this. sad(ノ_;)
third, this may be the most inappropriate but still one of the main reasons, but i like the girl in the voice-overs video.
well, i can think of many more reasons, but actually, there is no reasons at all. im writing this because i feel like it. people usually dont have 5 reasons to send mails. i dont know how im going to take a part, but if it helps you in any ways, im glad. even if it doesnt, i appreciate your reading it.
Suzukikitsune pr 20, 2007, 10:56 AM
"Yes, I know I am not popular but my author has one of the biggest social network, so she's maybe a little popular which is why she has access to so much music.
I apologize that you may have difficulty contacting the author, but you will have to contact her through Remi February's Channel.
You would have to ask for Remi February Suzuki Rhodes rather than Remi.
Frostfrog Apr 21, 2007, 04:25 AM
"i will contact her in remi's channel. i have a feeling shes acting the author though..."
to be continued...
Saturday, April 14, 2007
4/14/07 Translation (Remi's Vlog)
I was alone ever since I was a young child.
No one ever noticed me.
Through this video, I would like to explain the time when I met Shinobu.
It was about half a year ago when she used my body in order to observe human beings.
Simply put, a Kitsune Spirit possessed me.
Shinobu is not an evil Kitsune because she of course asked me before I gave her permission to use my being for her research.
It was my misconception that being possessed wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience.
As the days went by I started to feel as though my own personality was being wiped out.
Realizing what was happening, I tried my best to force Shinobu out of my body.
I couldn't forgive her for deceiving people.
When watching this video, there will probably be many of you that will mistake me for Shinobu.
We are completely different entities.
Although in this civilized society where it becomes difficult to differentiate what is real from what is fabricated, will you still believe me?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Positive, Negative, Neutral (Remi's entry and author's notes)
My name is Remi and I was possessed by a Kitsune Spirit named Shinobu for six months.
The positive outcome as a result of allowing Shinobu to possess my soul was that she managed to create a dynamic matrix by utilizing social networks in physical and virtual settings. Everything that is happening to me at this time is because of her research on humans. This has resulted in providing me with an enormous amount of material for my practicum.
The downfall was that I had no social life during that period. Neither did I have an outlet for my creativity. Shinobu was controlling my life and I had no way of escaping my predicament. I had made an agreement to relinquish control of my physical being for six months.
At times, she would pretend to be like me and use my own social network to fabricate her reality to make even more people believe she was a Japanese exchange student. This upset me because I knew that she was duping others for her own gain. I could not handle her deception and made plans to eliminate her. However, I was ultimately still trapped and she always had the last laugh, which made me feel like a complete idiot.
The negative outcome of being possessed is that more people realize how insane I am now as I explain to them why I was acting very strangely for the past few months. No one seems to believe what I say anymore.
(Neither + or -)
I am not really sure how to write about my experience because I only remember bits and pieces. As I try to recall the memories created by Shinobu, my brain tries to make sense out of the scattered pieces. Therefore, I believe my brain is fabricating memories. It is possible that the events that prompted those memories never took place. I don’t know any of the people Shinobu was in contact with while she was Kitsune.Suzuki.
I am only familiar with the people she used from my own social network. While they thought they were taking directions from me, it was actually Shinobu who was influencing them. They probably thought I was creating a video project and wanted to help me. I doubt they had any idea that I was possessed because a Kitsune Spirit has the ability to create masterful illusions that are difficult to detect. By explaining my relationship with Shinobu, my social network will then merge with the one she has created. As a result, two different networks comprised of different entities will be integrated. This is what I hope will be a beautiful beginning to something that will become even more complicated.
***Author's Notes***
Remi writes about her experiences in three different narratives; positive, negative and neutral. The neutral narrative does not come across as indifferent because readers of this journal will interpret words as negative or positive depending on each individual. To write in a neutral format is to omit words that will trigger connotations within the minds of humans. By doing this we lose information that will in effect change the whole entire story. Words become a powerful tool, but it is very important to know how to use it and know ones audience.
My name is Remi and I was possessed by a Kitsune Spirit named Shinobu for six months.
The positive outcome as a result of allowing Shinobu to possess my soul was that she managed to create a dynamic matrix by utilizing social networks in physical and virtual settings. Everything that is happening to me at this time is because of her research on humans. This has resulted in providing me with an enormous amount of material for my practicum.
The downfall was that I had no social life during that period. Neither did I have an outlet for my creativity. Shinobu was controlling my life and I had no way of escaping my predicament. I had made an agreement to relinquish control of my physical being for six months.
At times, she would pretend to be like me and use my own social network to fabricate her reality to make even more people believe she was a Japanese exchange student. This upset me because I knew that she was duping others for her own gain. I could not handle her deception and made plans to eliminate her. However, I was ultimately still trapped and she always had the last laugh, which made me feel like a complete idiot.
The negative outcome of being possessed is that more people realize how insane I am now as I explain to them why I was acting very strangely for the past few months. No one seems to believe what I say anymore.
(Neither + or -)
I am not really sure how to write about my experience because I only remember bits and pieces. As I try to recall the memories created by Shinobu, my brain tries to make sense out of the scattered pieces. Therefore, I believe my brain is fabricating memories. It is possible that the events that prompted those memories never took place. I don’t know any of the people Shinobu was in contact with while she was Kitsune.Suzuki.
I am only familiar with the people she used from my own social network. While they thought they were taking directions from me, it was actually Shinobu who was influencing them. They probably thought I was creating a video project and wanted to help me. I doubt they had any idea that I was possessed because a Kitsune Spirit has the ability to create masterful illusions that are difficult to detect. By explaining my relationship with Shinobu, my social network will then merge with the one she has created. As a result, two different networks comprised of different entities will be integrated. This is what I hope will be a beautiful beginning to something that will become even more complicated.
***Author's Notes***
Remi writes about her experiences in three different narratives; positive, negative and neutral. The neutral narrative does not come across as indifferent because readers of this journal will interpret words as negative or positive depending on each individual. To write in a neutral format is to omit words that will trigger connotations within the minds of humans. By doing this we lose information that will in effect change the whole entire story. Words become a powerful tool, but it is very important to know how to use it and know ones audience.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
4/7/2007 (Shinobu's Entry)
I am a Kitsune Spirit that comes from Japan (I am a fox). My name is Shinobu. The deity of rice, Oinari sama, sent me to America to study and analyze modern human culture. These last six months, I have assumed the role of a Japanese exchange student and tricked people into believing I’m something I’m not by performing the magic of “Kitsune-Tsuki” (= Possession by Fox). The entity I possessed is known as Remi and she was fully aware of being possessed, but couldn’t do anything about it because, in actuality, she sold her soul to me for this research. That was very accommodating!
The day I met Remi, she had no idea what she should do for her practicum project, a requirement her school imposes on students before they can graduate. She kept thinking how she should never have chosen sixth college out of all the other colleges at UCSD because the school requires so much out of their students before they are viewed as accomplished and are allowed to go out into the “real world.”
Having detected Remi’s thoughts and desires when I arrived in America, I decided to make her an offer to allow me to posses her and in return help her with her practicum project. It was obvious to me that she was too lazy to think of something all on her own that was related to culture, art and technology (this was the assigned criteria for completing her practicum).
She agreed to it without any hesitation because she wanted her life to be less complicated and stressful. All she wanted to do was graduate and get the hell out of school so she could perhaps travel and experience a bit of life for a time. I told her that she would be sacrificing her life to me for about half a year without any payment whatsoever. I also made a promise that I would allow her to regain control of her life and her being, when my research was over. She seemed to have no qualms about our agreement. She thought it would be easy, like breathing...
Of course the one thing I didn’t tell her is that the magic we Kitsune are endowed with is so powerful that when we possess a human entity it is possible that the experience can push them over the edge and drive them insane.
There were many times when Remi would become extremely disoriented and did not understand what was going on. She would also, at times, realize what I was doing and snap out of the magic hold I had over her and try to purge herself of me because I was doing things that she would never, in her right mind, do. This is when I realized that humans do not like to be controlled and they tend to become depressed or feel uncomfortable when forced to act like someone they’re not (unless they are an actor or perhaps a lawyer).
Anyways, back to the main topic of my research.
By using Remi’s body I was able to access a completely new environment. One that is rich with so many different types of subcultures. This interesting space was inside what I can only describe as a magical box, which projected many things. On one side it displayed images and also had a gateway where humans were afforded the means to become nomadic, explore their alter egos or even become pirates. This was something that caught my attention and was unmistakably a great place to conduct my research on humans because it was extremely easy to access. I had so many questions to be answered and tests I wanted to conduct in order to discern what kind of people chose to access such an environment.
These were just a few of the questions I had before entering this space and deciding to fabricate an identity.
1. How can someone actually trust another entity in a two dimensional realm if they have never had contact in the three dimensional realm?
2. Would they trust someone enough to give out personal information pertinent to their true location?
3. How far could I take my fabricated identity before people within this space began to doubt who or what I was?
4. Would humans still believe me when I revealed my true identity?
I fabricated the entity Kitsune.Suzuki and acted as a human being. Then I tried to merge myself into both the two-dimensional and three-dimensional environments. Some doubted her identity, but the majority believed she had integrity. Kitsune.Suzuki was meant to look like an animated character. Then I decided to make vlogs on “Youtube” about modern life in America living with a “host family”. Kitsune.Suzuki made available both an English as well as a Japanese journal. These journals were accessible to virtually anyone. The better part of both the journal entries discussed the differences related to culture, so I could research how humans felt about Kitsune.Suzuki’s opinion.
Kitsune.Suzuki also created an account on “Myspace” and soon after found that some people added her to their network list. However, what I, Shinobu, wanted were real friends who would become “characters” of my fictional space while Kitsune.Suzuki merged with their reality. It was essential to pique their interest in my character so I could gain more knowledge about cultural differences. Some became highly interested in Kitsune.Suzuki. Some have fallen in love and sent marriage proposals via e-mail. Some would provide their phone numbers, request money or ask questions that were sexual in nature. This was all done without their knowing that I was documenting everything they sent. Many of them would, without hesitation, give out personal data including their three-dimensional location. Most astounding was their lack fear of getting involved in something when the consequences cannot be predetermined.
1. They become addicted to anything that is new or fabricated.
2. The more special effects are introduced, the more it appears to entertain them.
3. They have difficulty differentiating what is real and what is merely fabricated.
At times Remi would snap out of the catatonic state I had invoked on her and I would experience some resulting feelings of guilt. She thought what I was doing was wrong, but I only wanted to portray my interpretation of the truth about humans. I had to calm her down and advise her that humans could be fabricating themselves in any dimension just as I was.
The bottom line is that we argued a lot through our symbolic yet unnatural and slightly uncomfortable collaboration. Even so, as a result of this experience, something interesting happened. We were able to create a dynamic collaboration research project with humans.
Some knew about Remi’s practicum and some didn’t, but they all ended up becoming incorporated into our version of Kitsune folklore, where everyone becomes a Kitsune.
So right now, I believe it is imperative to display what direction our future is taking.
To celebrate human culture, I plan to create an Inari shrine where “characters” from our fabricated story would meet in the three dimensional realm. I am very interested to find out how many of these entities would attend when they have to face reality.
The day I met Remi, she had no idea what she should do for her practicum project, a requirement her school imposes on students before they can graduate. She kept thinking how she should never have chosen sixth college out of all the other colleges at UCSD because the school requires so much out of their students before they are viewed as accomplished and are allowed to go out into the “real world.”
Having detected Remi’s thoughts and desires when I arrived in America, I decided to make her an offer to allow me to posses her and in return help her with her practicum project. It was obvious to me that she was too lazy to think of something all on her own that was related to culture, art and technology (this was the assigned criteria for completing her practicum).
She agreed to it without any hesitation because she wanted her life to be less complicated and stressful. All she wanted to do was graduate and get the hell out of school so she could perhaps travel and experience a bit of life for a time. I told her that she would be sacrificing her life to me for about half a year without any payment whatsoever. I also made a promise that I would allow her to regain control of her life and her being, when my research was over. She seemed to have no qualms about our agreement. She thought it would be easy, like breathing...
Of course the one thing I didn’t tell her is that the magic we Kitsune are endowed with is so powerful that when we possess a human entity it is possible that the experience can push them over the edge and drive them insane.
There were many times when Remi would become extremely disoriented and did not understand what was going on. She would also, at times, realize what I was doing and snap out of the magic hold I had over her and try to purge herself of me because I was doing things that she would never, in her right mind, do. This is when I realized that humans do not like to be controlled and they tend to become depressed or feel uncomfortable when forced to act like someone they’re not (unless they are an actor or perhaps a lawyer).
Anyways, back to the main topic of my research.
By using Remi’s body I was able to access a completely new environment. One that is rich with so many different types of subcultures. This interesting space was inside what I can only describe as a magical box, which projected many things. On one side it displayed images and also had a gateway where humans were afforded the means to become nomadic, explore their alter egos or even become pirates. This was something that caught my attention and was unmistakably a great place to conduct my research on humans because it was extremely easy to access. I had so many questions to be answered and tests I wanted to conduct in order to discern what kind of people chose to access such an environment.
These were just a few of the questions I had before entering this space and deciding to fabricate an identity.
1. How can someone actually trust another entity in a two dimensional realm if they have never had contact in the three dimensional realm?
2. Would they trust someone enough to give out personal information pertinent to their true location?
3. How far could I take my fabricated identity before people within this space began to doubt who or what I was?
4. Would humans still believe me when I revealed my true identity?
I fabricated the entity Kitsune.Suzuki and acted as a human being. Then I tried to merge myself into both the two-dimensional and three-dimensional environments. Some doubted her identity, but the majority believed she had integrity. Kitsune.Suzuki was meant to look like an animated character. Then I decided to make vlogs on “Youtube” about modern life in America living with a “host family”. Kitsune.Suzuki made available both an English as well as a Japanese journal. These journals were accessible to virtually anyone. The better part of both the journal entries discussed the differences related to culture, so I could research how humans felt about Kitsune.Suzuki’s opinion.
Kitsune.Suzuki also created an account on “Myspace” and soon after found that some people added her to their network list. However, what I, Shinobu, wanted were real friends who would become “characters” of my fictional space while Kitsune.Suzuki merged with their reality. It was essential to pique their interest in my character so I could gain more knowledge about cultural differences. Some became highly interested in Kitsune.Suzuki. Some have fallen in love and sent marriage proposals via e-mail. Some would provide their phone numbers, request money or ask questions that were sexual in nature. This was all done without their knowing that I was documenting everything they sent. Many of them would, without hesitation, give out personal data including their three-dimensional location. Most astounding was their lack fear of getting involved in something when the consequences cannot be predetermined.
1. They become addicted to anything that is new or fabricated.
2. The more special effects are introduced, the more it appears to entertain them.
3. They have difficulty differentiating what is real and what is merely fabricated.
At times Remi would snap out of the catatonic state I had invoked on her and I would experience some resulting feelings of guilt. She thought what I was doing was wrong, but I only wanted to portray my interpretation of the truth about humans. I had to calm her down and advise her that humans could be fabricating themselves in any dimension just as I was.
The bottom line is that we argued a lot through our symbolic yet unnatural and slightly uncomfortable collaboration. Even so, as a result of this experience, something interesting happened. We were able to create a dynamic collaboration research project with humans.
Some knew about Remi’s practicum and some didn’t, but they all ended up becoming incorporated into our version of Kitsune folklore, where everyone becomes a Kitsune.
So right now, I believe it is imperative to display what direction our future is taking.
To celebrate human culture, I plan to create an Inari shrine where “characters” from our fabricated story would meet in the three dimensional realm. I am very interested to find out how many of these entities would attend when they have to face reality.
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