Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More Credits

I am posting an in depth credits on this blog because the video does not include all the awesome people who were kind enough to participate.

Fabricated Characters

Suzukikitsune(Kitsune.Suzuki), Shinobu, Remi & The Author
These characters are all acted by me (Remi February).

Just to clear things up if anyone is confused, Shinobu is a Kitsune spirit who utilized Remi's body to make her videos.
More clarification would come later in the book that's being written.

Click on the links!

Kitsune's Myspace
Kitsune's Mixi
Kitsune's Youtube

Remi February's Youtube

Acted by Mion Rhodes.

Sakura is Kitsune’s friend who lives in Japan. I tried to create a video where it’s believable that she may live in Japan. So she talks about places in Japan such as well-known stores or cities. She also has a crush on Kitsune’s host brother Timothy where she pays Kitsune money to send her his pictures.
I believe her character helped Kitsune to become more believable to being someone from Japan.
I chose her name to be Sakura because in Japanese sakuras are assistants of magicians who act to be an audience tricking other viewers around them.

Sakura's Youtube


Josh was a collaborative character created by Graham Meyers and myself. We took turns on making the character more believable.

Josh is Kitsune’s enemy at school. He started to have hatred towards her because he thought she was avoiding him. So he steals her images off her myspace to create a mild internet war. He creates "hate art" and posts it on his blog. Kitsune finds out about these and decides to do a revenge where she toilet papers his house and car. Unfortunately, the revenge didn’t succeed for Kitsune because he now thinks that she has a crush on him.
Josh also means, “Joke” in English, which went well with my project.

Josh's Youtube
Josh's Myspace

Graham Meyers is also a skilled photographer!

Fabricated/Real Friends


Acted by Roy Pulido.

In my opinion, this actor/musician helped me a great deal. He acted as himself, the only thing fabricated about him was that he claimed to be Kitsune’s virtual friend and invited her to go see existing shows in which he was performing in.

Roy's Youtube

Fabricated friends who do not have an online account

Acted by Jon Bricke.

A character that appears in Kitsune’s Disneyland video. He is Kitsune’s host brother.

Acted by Andie Torres and partially Mion Rhodes.

A character that appears in Kitsune’s Revenge video. She wears a "Victoria Secret" bag over her head because she is shy and she is also a character that went to Disneyland with Kitsune and Timothy, which she did the camera work.
In reality, the girl who helped shoot the Disneyland footage was Mion Rhodes.

Musicians & Bands

Musicians and bands kindly provided me and gave me permission to use their music in my videos.
Here I will explain the music utilized in each video.

Video:“Miss You
Kitsune sends a video letter to her long distance boyfriend, Kenji.
Music: East of the Salton
Fabricated musician: Chiqui
Real musician: Jorges
Jorges told me he wanted to be credited as Chiqui in Kitsune’s fabricated reality.
The reason why there's so much black at the end is because Kitsune expresses her feelings about being just a memory and being forgotten by Kenji. (The black at the end represents her existence).

Video: “Earobi
Kitsune gains weight by consuming American food so she decides to do some aerobics.
Fabricated musician: Blue Dead Whale
Real musician: Pink Dead Whale
I changed their band name to Blue Dead Whale for my project, which they approved.

Video: “Soy Cookie
Kitsune makes Soy cookies for her diet. Translations for the videos are a little off because she's "Japanese."
Music: Cooking!
Fabricated musician: Zee Starseeker
Real musician: Xeno_Mezphy

This music was made just for this video.
Zee Starseeker is a character and musician who is Kitsune's friend from school. He's an exchange student, but comes from a different planet.

Video: “Video Mail
Kitsune creates a video mail for her pen pals and asks suggestions to what she should give her boyfriend for Valentine's day.
Music: Shifting Sleepless
Fabricated musician: Zee Starseeker
Real musician: Xeno_Mezphy

Video: ”失恋
Kitsune finds out about her boyfriend cheating on her and says goodbye to him.
Music: Burning Blue
Fabricated musician: Zee Starseeker
Real musician: Xeno_Mezphy

Video: “Disney Trip with Friend!
Timothy and Mariella takes Kitsune to Disneyland to make her happy.
Music: Go Go Magic Happy Feet
Musician: Kashioboy
I decided not to fabricate this musician's name because I wanted to incorporate a musician where people can actually find, which helped me blend the line between fiction and non-fiction.

Video: ”Revenge!!!
Kitsune asks for revenge advice because she's furious with Josh & her boyfriend Kenji.
1st music: Travel Sketch 3
Fabricated musician: Everett Morning
Real musician: Getting Up Every Morning
2nd music: Overexposure
Fabricated musician: Zee Starseeker
Real musician: Xeno_Mezphy

Video: “Le’ts Revenge!!!
Kitsune goes to Josh's house to do a revenge.
Music: Walls
Fabricated musician: The Orbitines
Real musician: States of Rest
States of Rest decided to use a different name for this piece and have me credit them as The Orbitines.

Video: “Journal of Memories
Kitsune reveals her true identity.
1st music: Tokimeki Memorial
Musician: Mr. Sidewalk
2nd music: Effect Defect
Musician: Kashioboy
Mr. Sidewalk is Kitsune's friend and did not know about the project. He agreed to Kitsune that she is allowed to use his music to create a music video.

Video: “The Author (Journal of Memories)
The author talks about "Journal of Memories."
Music: The End
Musician: Firebrand boy
Firebrand Boy has always been kind enough to let me use his music for school projects. Please check him out.

Video: “Kitsune
Invitation video to the exhibit.
Music: Rise
Musician: Witness
Witness befriended Kitsune and provided music for her invitation video.

Video: “Kitsune Exhibit”
Video of the exhibit.
1st music: Kitsune's Helsinki
Musician: DEARroshi
This musician made this song specifically for this project.
2nd music: Diary
Musician: Free The Robots
I found this song and asked permission to use it for this exhibit piece.
Free The Robots are talented in my opinion.

(((There are more people who participated in this piece who I have not credited. Most important thing to remember is that everyone becomes a character in "Journal of Memories.")))

Please be excited to what will happen next! be continued.