Monday, April 23, 2007

Journal of Memories Update

There is also a book that exists within physical reality, but it is not finished yet.
Here are some visuals of the book and some of the other things that have been created just for Journal of Memories.





The Artist (A.K.A. Remifeb) of Journal of Memories created a design for a t-shirt.
It's still a draft, but she wore the one she made...sorry no pictures of the actual t-shirt. Her idea was that if individuals were to stand in front of the mirror, they would be looking at their fabricated self. The reason to this is because what we perceive in the mirror is not the same reflection to how others see us as everything is flipped.

Here is the design.

This is something she created late last night on the idea of culture, technology and art.

More updates will be coming soon.


Unknown said...

i do not understand everything you write but most important part of it is you experienced different cultures in your life ...i wished i could be like you ...see different cultures and different society around the world...

Unknown said...

by the way ..where are you now ?(JAPAN .USA.OR SOMEWHERE AROUND THE WORLD)

Unknown said...

definition of awesome people?

like what kind?